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This semester in Gustavo Aguilar's Third Ear and Sound course we were required to create a sound project. We were divided into groups and it was our job to walk around Farmington, Maine to record any sounds of our choosing. Once we had compiled all of our recordings, the next step was to bring them into a software program called LIve. This program gave us the opportunity to manipulate the sound files. Some of the  features that we had access to included adusting the volume, changing the frequency as well as looping sounds. Some of the groups in class stayed together to finish a final composition, while others divided into smaller groups or created individual compositions. 


This project gave us a lot of freedom to make something unique with the sounds we recorded around town. Some of the groups in the class decided to use their sounds to create a specific type of reaction, where as others came to their finished product by experiementing. Check out the sound composition page to listen to several pieces of work from this exciting experience. 


About the Project: 

Course Description:

This course explores sound as a mulitdimensional entity situated in both physical and virtual space. We will look at the ways that musical composers, sound artists, and visual artists have created with sound, and work to develop an appreciation for various methods by readins, listening and creating. 

Course Goals: 

Through active participation in the course activities and assignments, students will be able to discuss the history as well as challenge the idea of sound as a composition/art/text. Students will research, design, and implement works of composition/art/text. Students will also be able to  understand the design concepts related to creating a composition/art/text in addition to creating and implementing a composition/art work/project/event. 

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